Thursday, December 5, 2019

Managerial Ethics free essay sample

This paper is a summary of my understanding of how ethics has helped base my belief  system on a personal level as well as in the workplace as a professional. The learning  process is perpetual and the recent class on Managerial ethics has given me new insightson how I can still hold onto my own values while remaining respectful to those whovalue different ethical perspectives. Ethics can be defined as a philosophical study of moral values based on the concept of  right and wrong. An ethical perspective could be considered as a person’s individual  perception of moral values, beliefs, and rules based on his or her personal view of rightand wrong. My perspective on Ethics Ethics are a very important aspect of the success of an individual or a company. There are many decisions within a company that managers must base around thecompany’s ethical standards. Ethics are not only a guideline to employee and employer  Ã‚  behavior, but also the company’s behavior as a whole. Possessing good, strong ethics willhelp a company attract and keep customers. Without ethics, there would be no way for a  person to judge right from wrong, which is why it is important to have a good sense of  Ã‚  personal ethics awareness. My ethical perspective is obligation or deontology-one that is centered on a feeling asthough I have an obligation to do what is right. When judging whether or not a person’sactions are ethical or not, I tend to base my decisions on the intent of the person’s actionsand not the actual outcome,In order for a person with the obligation perspective to agree with a person or company’sethics, the ethics set in place should be suitable in every situation, respectful toeveryone’s character, and promoting of every individual’s freedom and independence. With an obligatory perspective, a person believes that everyone deserves respect and theright to make their own decisions. A few more ethical perspectives encountered in our workplaceVirtue Perspective A person possessing the character or virtue perspective does not believe that everyone iscapable of making their own decisions. This perspective is based on the belief that a  person must possess good character in order to make an ethical decision. Those with thevirtue perspective believe that a person’s character is by far, more important than a  person’s actions. No matter what a person’s intentions are, someone with the virtue  perspective does not believe that they are ethical unless they are constantly striving to bemorally good. Ethical decision making within this perspective is based on thedevelopment of practical wisdom within individuals. The perspective based on virtuedoes not believe that a person’s actions reflect their ethics; however, the utilitarianism  perspective believes just the opposite. Utilitarianism perspective A person possessing the results or utilitarianism view tends to base their ethical  perspective solely on the results of their actions. This perspective believes that their  ethical decisions should benefit as many individuals as possible. When debating over  whether or not a decision is ethical, those with utilitarianism views must see results. Theyrefuse to believe anything that they hear until it is proven to them. A person with this  perspective believes that all people deserve to have a good life; if someone is unhappy,they believe that something should be done in order to correct that. A person with theutilitarianism perspective believes that there is a solution to every ethical dilemma. Relativism perspective The equity or relativism perspective is based on the unpredictability of human awareness. The decision of whether an action or decision is ethical is based on the consequences thatthe decision has brought. A person with the relativism perspective does not believe inunity or equality among individuals. They also believe that there is no definite right or  wrong in any situation; they believe that with new knowledge and differentcircumstances, a person may find it necessary to change their point of view and beliefs. No matter what perspective a person holds when dealing with ethics, there will always beethical dilemmas that a person will be forced to face. While holding the deontology  perspective, I believe that everyone deserves respect from others. This can make it verydifficult to agree with some decisions that may be made within my company. Who decides what is right or wrong? A person’s view of right and wrong will differ from others, as will their beliefs of  whether or not all people can make decisions that benefit their own personal interests. Many of us were taught at a young age the golden rule, Do unto others as you wouldhave them do unto you. This is a very solid rule that we all seem to get away from, timeto time. Many of us were told fables and wives tales, or ethical narratives as we now callthem, that taught us how to live and interact with others. But where do we learn the rulesthat these fables didnt teach us, like, when is it appropriate to alter nature? Who decideswhat is right and correct there? Is there any common ground on issues like resurrectingextinct animals, cloning, or the human genome project? This brings us the field of applied ethics-an area in ethics that deals with how one shouldreact in specific situations, and especially with how our social policies ought to beformed to ensure the most balanced ethical standards. Learning about the different perspectives of ethics is a very important aspect of career  success. By knowing what category I fall under based on my answers in the EthicsAwareness Inventory, I can better understand my own decisions and beliefs. Having thisknowledge will come in very helpful when working with others that hold different  perspectives. Companies perspective on ethical practices today In the workplace, ethics and social corporate responsibly is a guide to decision-makingand fair treatment of employees and consumers. Ethical behavior, at its most basic level, is what most people in a given society or groupview as being moral, good, or right. Some societies emphasize moral conduct based onabstract moral principles, the violation of which is expected to cause feelings of guilt. Itis important to understand that what is right and wrong is not always easy to determineas there is no universally accepted code of behavior to aid decision makers. Knowledgeof the home market and foreign markets is essential to arriving at ones own behavior  code for each situation faced. No management can ignore the environment in which itoperates and the success of organizations may depend to a large extent upon their publicimage The attitude of management to labor is at the core of the social responsibility of  management. Ethics for me in Personal life The family is described as the natural and fundamental group unit of society and isentitled to protection by society and the State. Personal relations in family is one of themost important elements of personal development and maturity of a personality. We livein a multicultural society based on different values and traditions. If a bond between parents and children is broken, it can lead to negative consequencestraumatic for both. Thus in many cultures, family is a keeper of traditions and values,social norms and behavior patterns Ethics for me at my workplace The potential impact of my values in the workplace may be both, positive and negative. The positive side would be that by treating others with dignity and respect might help  better the employee surroundings. In turn this may help those employees decide on howto treat others, because they enjoy being treated respectfully and with dignity. Another positive example occurs when my values and ethics guide me to treat thecustomers in a respectful and honest manner. Doing so will ensure my integrity as a  business professional and while allowing me to gain the trust of the customers. Thiswould increase my performance. Offering a product or service in which I believe that  performs as expected, will give me a sense of pride on what I am doing. On the negative side, having to be deceptive with the public or the customers in order tomeet sales goals or quotas would decrease my performance on the workplace Conclusion Before beginning this class , ethics was not something that I gave much consideration toeven though it was already a part of my daily life. During the course conducted by Father  Paul, I have learned there is an importance in managing ethics on a personal level as wellas in the workplace as a professional. Ethics hold tremendous benefits for organizationsand its employees, both moral and practical. The principle of sustainability takes a larger worldview and strives to take futuregeneration into consideration, and to live with the awareness that present actions make animpact on others . It takes a larger worldview into consideration and its emphasis aresocial integrity, stability and improvement in the quality of life.

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